Topic #1
Why do I need a NJ Inheritance Tax Waiver to sell real estate owned by the estate?
The waiver acts as proof that the NJ inheritance tax is paid . By way of example, if an estate has assets such as real estate and the realty will be sold to a buyer, the title company, or the attorney for the buyer will usually require a waiver before closing. Otherwise, at closing a large escrow may be held from the proceeds until the waiver is recorded by the county clerk where the realty is located.
If the beneficiaries of the estate are Class A (such as a parent, child, grandchild, etc.) no tax may be due, however, you still need to provide a waiver. Some waiver applications are obtained by submitting a formal Inheritance Tax Return (download Form ITR) and others are obtained by filing a "streamlined" form such as Form L-9. Form L-9 can only be issued if all the beneficiaries are "Class A".